Brand Your Packaging | Studio Die Plates

Brand Your Packaging | Studio Die Plates

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Customize your packaging with your logo

Take your photo packaging to the next level! Add your logo to your packaging with foil imprinting for a professional, high-end presentation.

The FOIL IMPRINTING process is easy…

We use your logo to create a copper studio die plate. Then using your choice of foil color, we stamp your logo onto the surface of your new packaging products.

After your studio die plate is created, we will conveniently keep it on file for you…ready to customize your next order. Foil imprinting can be added to nearly all of our products (size permitting), including folders, mounts, bags, boxes, folios, photo cases and more. It is an inexpensive way to brand and advertise your work.

Slate Euro TotesFoil imprinting is a cost effective way to brand your packaging. We offer a variety of studio die plate options to accommodate all sizes of photo packaging.

Robin Egg Deluxe Portrait BoxChoose from over 26 foil colors to coordinate with your branding.

Gold Foil Imprinting

Elevate your packaging! Add your studio logo with foil imprinting for a professional, high-end delivery.

Watch our video on the foil imprinting process!

Are you interested in creating your own custom packaging? Visit us at to fulfill all of your photo packaging needs!

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